Central Vineyard, it has been 33 Sundays since we last gathered together on a Sunday.

UPDATE 13th April : Registration no longer required

Oh, how we have missed you all! They have several long months of waiting out the storm of the pandemic and working within public health measures, but finally, after such a long time, the time to regather is in sight!

As you probably know, our government recently announced changes to increase the gathering limits and the ending of vaccine passports. Even though we are still in the current red traffic light setting, the increased limits now mean we have been able to plan for gathering again as the wave of Omicron comes down in our city and we learn to live with it.

So, we want to issue a wonderful invitation today: with Easter only a few weeks away, and seeing as it is the highlight of the Christian calendar of the year, we would love to invite you to regather with us on Resurrection Sunday, April 17th, 10am at Epsom Girls Grammar. As the global church celebrates Jesus’ resurrection we’ll also be celebrating our own resurrection of sorts - the one of getting to be together again!

This gathering will begin a season for us of being regrouped as a church in one location - for several weeks we are going to only have just the one location running at Epsom – so 4pm and New Lynn people, we would love to see you at Epsom for this re-entry together! This is so we can all get eyes on one another, connect, regroup and re-envision.

We’ll have all the information for our refreshed gathering at EGGS out in the coming weeks, but for now, can you head to our homepage centralvineyard.org and easily find the links to book your spot for Easter and the week after? It will help us so much with our planning!

Also, until then, we are continuing to release our Sunday Epistles and encourage you to get together in your Circle on Sunday (or during the week) to connect. We also have a terrific Easter Holy Week planned for you to richly connect with the Easter event, but more on that soon…

We have missed you, and we absolutely can not wait to see you and experience God's work among us again!
