What’s involved?

Click the area you are interested in for a short overview

  • Clear the hall of any unnecessary chairs and/or furniture. Stacked chairs can be placed in the cafeteria area.

    Arrange chairs for the Sunday gathering

    Put out and place all signage

    Help setup stations

    Pack away stations, signs and replace chairs

  • Setup kitchen for brewing coffee

    Setup coffee station

    Brew and fill pump pots

    Tidy and check levels during gathering

    Tidy up and pack away

  • Setup welcoming station

    Man station as people arrive

    Greeting at door

  • Help the CV Kids team run the Sunday programme

    Facilitate lessons and crafts

    Play games

    Supervise children

    Note: Police vetting required

  • Write and prepare for praying for a designated intercession theme

    Pray the prayer during the intercession moment of the Sunday gathering

  • Contribute to the worship whānau as a musician, singer or sound/tech

    Note: Worship rehearsals are Thursday evenings

We use Planning Centre to organise our teams, you’ll sign up through that when you click above