We are a church that believes in being generous with all that we have, because being generous is the outworking of the realisation that what we have is God's first. Thank you for being generous people. Your generosity has been an incredible blessing to us.

In 2016 financial giving played a huge part in getting Central Vineyard up and going. We have successfully been able to cover all the costs of growing our church plant initiative from a small startup through to the growing church it is today; hiring our first staff members, paying rent, purchasing equipment and blessing the people of our church and city through generosity and several missional initiatives during the year.

We are reliant on the generosity of our people to cover our budget, which enables us to do all that we do together and to ourselves be generous as a church. (We also receive a small contract from Vineyard Churches Aotearoa NZ who pay Central Vineyard for Dan to spend part of his time as the national director's ministry assistant which means we have been able to pass on some of our hours to other staff members.)

Our total income for 2016 was: $150,507.10
(including a surplus from 2015 of $17,030.62)
Our total outgoings for 2016 was: $138,240.16

Due to careful stewardship of our finances we have met our needs and finished the year with a small surplus.

If you have any questions about our spending you can contact any of our board members to discuss anything, or Dan.

To close, again, thank you to those who have financially given this year. Without generosity we couldn't play our part in joining God in what He is doing in our city as well as we are.

"So we will see in our history the faithful love of God."
