
Introducing: Gratis.

Our Free Store initiative now has a name, a place and a time.

We are so pleased to announce Gratis: AKLD Free Store, kicking off August 2017.

May God bless Katie, Cam and the rest of the startup team who have been working hard so far, and may He multiply the workers in this initiative as we serve our city and meet the new friends.



Free Store initiative update

...after many long discussions, prayer walks down K Road, flights to Wellington to check it out, and intro meetings to see who would be interested in committing to this, we have gathered a small team of people who will form the core team of our free store here in Auckland. 

Over the past months we have been looking into the idea of starting a 'Free Store' here in Auckland. The Free Store is an initiative started by an amazing bunch down in Wellington ( that freely distributes unused food from local cafes and restaurants to those directly in need of it. It has sparked an amazing community where everyone is welcome and there is enough for all. We have spent the last months following God's leading and call to start a free store here in Auckland, based on K Road and we are excited to share where we are at.

So, after many long discussions, prayer walks down K Road, flights to Wellington to check it out, and intro meetings to see who would be interested in committing to this, we have gathered a small team of people who will form the core team of our free store here in Auckland. 

This week we have Ben Johnson, founder of The Free Store in Wellington coming up to meet and connect with our core team. It will be so valuable to spend this time with Ben to learn from the experience and stories of the Wellington crew and to solidify our values together as we launch this new project. God has been stirring us and we are so excited to begin this journey to love and bless our city through connecting with those on the margins of society. 

We would love your prayer and support as we meet this week and take this first steps toward making this happen. 

If you would like to get involved in any way, there will be many opportunities coming up in the next months where you can serve and give of yourself. Send through an email to and we'll put you on a volunteers list for when the time comes. 




Are you already thrashing those catchy Christmas carols? Are your walls already covered in tinsel? You may or may not be an early-Christmas-person but Christmas sure is getting closer and it’s high time we put some serious thought into what we can do to bless those around us this Christmas. 

At Central Vineyard we want to be a church that looks outward into our world, serving and blessing our community. What better opportunity do we have to do this than at Christmas time?

So this season let's bless those around us with 'Good Gifts'. 

What are these Good Gifts?

Each Good Gift will be an amazing hamper/gift basket full of tasty treats and special items (think chocolate, lollies, Christmas pudding, nuts, baking etc) that we will then pass on to our neighbours, colleagues or anyone in our world that you would simply like to bless this Christmas.

So firstly, we'll make them: 
The plan is for us to collectively donate towards and then assemble 50 Good Gifts. We will collectively fundraise the funds needed to buy and make the Gifts, and then we will host a fun evening where we put the Gifts together and box them up.

Next, we'll deliver them:
Each of us will have the chance to reserve, or call dibs on, a Good Gift to pass on to someone - so get thinking about who that is! Your Good Gift will be available to collect on Sunday, Dec 18 at our final Sunday Gathering for 2016.

We have a goal of 50 Good Gifts to be sponsored, made and passed on by us, so let’s all get on board and make this happen. 


  1. Contribute by financially donating toward the purchasing of the goods, or baking some sweet treats
  2. Contribute by assembling and putting together the gifts (Wednesday, Dec 14th, 7pm at Holm, 295 K-Rd) 
  3. Reserve a Good Gift to take and give to someone in your world (max of 3) 
  4. On December 18th, collect your Good Gift at our final Gathering for 2016 and pass it on! 


Contributions for Give Good Gifts are now closed, we met our goal and fully-funded this initiative!


Reservations for Give Good Gifts are now closed, reserved gifts can be collected at our final gathering of 2016 on December 18.  



October Focus: A Girl Called Hope

Bringing hope to people experiencing mental distress.

Many people suffer from mental distress at some point in their lives. Yet, in New Zealand many people suffer alone. With stigma surrounding the non-physical symptoms of mental health, it can be hard for people who are struggling to reach out.

  • The NZ Health survey found that 1 in 6 (16%) of adults have been diagnosed with a common mental health problem (e.g. depression, bipolar, or anxiety) at some point in their lives.
  • Women were 1.6 times more likely to have been diagnosed as suffering from mental distress than men.
  • Young people are not immune from mental distress. With so many changes happening in their lives as many as 1 in 7 young people experience depression before the age of 24, and  
  • 21% of students in NZ high schools report self-harm in the last 12 months.

A Girl Called Hope is a residential care and life-development programme working with young women aged 16 to 28 years who face life-controlling issues such as anxiety, depression, disordered eating, self-harm, suicidal ideation and unplanned pregnancy. The approach used by A Girl Called Hope is a structured six-month residential programme provided free of charge for young women aged 16 to 28 years. The programme is designed to equip them with life principles, social skills, training in nutrition and fitness, career guidance and counselling. This unique programme uses a holistic approach based on Christian principles and values addressing the physical, psychological and emotional, spiritual and relational well-being of the young woman who seek help.

How you can pass it forward

1.   Join the “Walk for Hope”
Walk with us, and fundraise for a Girl Called Hope. Grab some friends, fundraise and start your Saturday off with a 5km or 10km walk or run around Mt Eden. October 15th, 10am.

2.   Donations
Either sponsor a walker / runner involved in the Walk for Hope or you can do a direct donation through the ‘A Girl Called Hope Website’ 

3.   Take some snaps
A female photographer is needed to capture the Walk for Hope. If you are handy with a camera and free on the 15th of October please contact Fran Brown-Haysom at





September Focus: Womens Refuge

Spring is here and with the new month and season comes a new focus for Forward. This September we will be focusing on the Women’s Refuge and the great work that they do.

The Women’s Refuge describes themselves as New Zealand’s most significant domestic violence organisation and I do not think any one of us would argue with that. We all know who they are but let’s delve deeper into what they are doing trying to tackle one of NZ’s most serious social issues and how we can help them.

Sadly, in NZ between 33-39% of women will experience physical or sexual violence from a partner in their lifetime.  The purpose of the Women’s Refuge is to liberate women, children and families from family violence by providing quality services and social commentary. Not only do they provide safe housing for women and children around the country, they also work with families within their own community.

Women in violent relationships are more likely to suffer from physical and mental health problems including depression, sleep problems and suicide attempts. They often have trouble holding down jobs or accessing enough money to feed their children or provide them with other necessities.

The Women’s Refuge offers services, education and support where the family needs it.

How we can help:

– Donate financially or become a sponsor
– Donate good quality items – furniture, clothing, bedding and other household items
– Gift your time – train to be a Women’s Refuge advocate
– Hold a fundraiser
– Attend/donate to our We Love Pre-Loved Clothing Swap event

Let’s get behind this awesome organisation and help make difference to the lives of women and children in our city!



AUGUST WRAP-UP: The Auckland City Mission collection

Well, August is over and along with that came our end-of-month church-wide collection for Forward. For the entire month of August we focussed on the Auckland City Mission and doing our part to bless the work they do in our city. 

We suggested that you volunteer your time, txt a financial contribution (Txt "FIGHT" to 4741 to donate $3 directly to the Mission) and/or bring some food along to the last Sunday of the month. It turned out to be a great collection, which resulted in a station wagon bulging as it left on Sunday to take it to the ACM.

Winter has been hard for families in our city. The ACM has already delivered more emergency relief parcels to families in need this year, than they did for the entirety of 2015. The items we collected on Sunday will immediately go into the homes of those who are struggling to meet their basic needs as we begin Spring.

Thank you for being a church who wants to play our part in blessing our city. Stay tuned for September's focus shortly!



AUGUST FOCUS: The Auckland City Mission

Helping those who go without in our city

Poverty is a huge problem in New Zealand and it’s getting worse. Recent financial crises have seen an increase in urban poverty. Over the past two decades the proportion of the population officially living in poverty increased from approximately 6% to 12% of households.

At Central Vineyard, we want to help people in our city who are in need. By teaming up with the Auckland City Mission we can help make a difference in the lives of fellow Aucklanders who are currently going without.

The number of people who have come to the Auckland City Mission for emergency food support has risen. In the past eight months, the Auckland City Mission has distributed as many food parcels to individuals and families in crisis as it did in the entire 12 months prior. There is often a misconception that the people become dependent on food parcels, however the majority (about 65%) of people who go to the mission only ever do once or twice in their lives.

Homelessness is another growing issue for Auckland and an indicator that people are finding Auckland a tough place to live. The number of people found sleeping on the street within a 3km radius of the Sky Tower had increased from 147 in 2014 to 177 in 2015. The Mission’s clients find themselves homeless for a myriad of reasons – from dysfunctional homes blighted with drug and alcohol abuse to violence, job loss, eviction, foster home runaways and exiting gangs. The study found that often any kindness from fellow homeless people could be construed as the new ‘family’ and, with nothing to return home for, homeless people often remained so for a long time. Alexis Sawyers, Fundraising Team Leader at ACM says that “We get feedback that people ‘choose’ to sleep on the streets, but it isn’t generally a choice but rather a lack of any other options.”

How you can pass it forward in our city:

Grab a group of more than 3 and volunteer at the Grafton distribution centre

Text "FIGHT" to 4741 to donate $3 directly to the Mission

Grab some extra items during your food shops this month and bring it to our end-of-month collection on Sunday 28th August


